Genomic mapping of population from polluted area with radioactivity and heavy metals to increase national security ARTEMIS

Genomic mapping of population from polluted area with radioactivity and heavy metals to increase national security ARTEMIS



Project Title: Genomic mapping of population from polluted area with radioactivity and heavy metals to increase national security

Project Acronym: ARTEMIS

Final Registration Code: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0737

Project consortium:

  • Project coordinator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioana Neagoe, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 23 Marinescu Street, 400337, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Project responsible partner 1:
  • Project responsible partner 2: CS I Dr. Gina Manda, "Victor Babes", National Institute of Pathology, 99-101 Splaiul Independentei Street, 050096, Bucharest, Romania
  • Project responsible partner 3: CS I Dr. Szedlacsek Ştefan Eugen, Institute of Biochemistry, 296 Splaiul Independentei Street, 060031, Bucharest, Romania
  • Project responsible partner 4: CS II Dr. Stăvaru Crina, National InstituteResearch and Development for Microbiology and Immunology "Cantacuzino", 103 Splaiul Independentei Street; 050096 Bucharest, Romania




Project summary: The ARTEMIS project represents a complex approach to major environmental issues. ARTEMIS aims to follow new ways of controlling the population exposure to polluting agents (presents in water and soil), with a major role in cancer occurrence, following the evolution of genomic alterations, in the population that inhabits the NW of ROMANIA. The proposed consortium is composed of 5 well-known members of Romania’s research community, which are planning to develop innovative technologies for the prevention of oncological pathologies, following environmental pollution. National Research and Development Institutes, Research Institutes belonging to the Academy of Medical Science and Universities create collaboration at national level in the study of molecular profiles among the affected population versus the cancer incidence from areas with clean environment. The consequence of a clean environment is followed by an improved quality of life of the population from decontaminated areas and a greater national security. The disease occurrences due to the contamination of the main natural resources with I-131 and heavy metals, with direct effects on the accumulation of mutations at the genomic level, could be limited through ARTEMIS. Chernobyl or the mine exploitation are in close connection with the reported higher incidence of cancer. The main objective is the identification of genome alterations and evaluation of the cancer tendency to be more frequent in the analyzed population. The consortium proposes 5 ARTEMIS projects, which approach a new and complex perspective of environmental resources pollution, considering the development of a regional strategy for reducing pollution. The final results are: the initiation of an inter-institutional collaboration with a common agenda and research interests, creating new jobs for the young researchers at the early stage of their career, at European standards, and the creation of a population genomic map of NW Romania.

Project major objective is to perform a genomic mapping of the population at risk of disease, in the NORD-VEST region through pollution of water and soil resources with I-131 and heavy metals.



The consortium proposes 5 ARTEMIS projects:

  1. Project 1 « Mapping the population and tumor specific genome retrieved in the polluted areas of the North-West region of Romania in order to achieve the environmental protection and limit the illnesses due to it/ Maparea genomul populaţional şi tumoral specific zonelor poluate din regiunea Nord-Vest a Romȃniei în pentru realizarea protecţiei mediului si limitarea îmbolnăvirilor datorate acestuia»
  2. Project 2 « Impact of radioactive substances (I -131) on terrestrial waters or other sources of contamination responsible for the development of thyroid tumors/Impactul substanțelor radioactive (I - 131) din apele terestre sau alte surse în apariția tumorilor tiroidiene »
  3. Project 3 «Exposome associated with the interaction of normal and tumor cells with nuclear radiation/ Expozomul asociat interacţiei celulelor normale şi tumorale cu radiaţiile nucleare »
  4. Project 4 « Cellular validation of carcinogen-induced alteration in soil, heavy metals related to the malignant transformation of the genome/Validarea la nivel celular a modificarilor induse de agentii carcinogeni din sol , metale grele in inducerea genomului malign »
  5. Project 5 « Experimental studies on murine model on the effects of contaminated water on the immune, haematological and metabolic system/ Studii experimentale pe model murin privind efectele apelor contaminate asupra sistemului imun, hematologic si metabolic »




Project dissemination:

  • Medicalis Workshop “Perspectives in personalized medicine in oncology”- Congresul Internaţional al Tinerilor Medici şi Studenţilor la Medicină – MEDICALIS 2018 – Ediţia a -19-a, Cluj-Napoca, 11 Mai 2018 (Oral presentation - Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioana Berindan-Neagoe, Drd. Cristina Ciocan, Drd. Diana Gulei).

Estimated results:

At the end of the project it is expected to deliver new experimental methods in order to analyze biological samples and to obtain results that can help us to characterize the population that is exposed to heavy metals and radioactive metals. The study protocol will provide the steps for processing blood, serum, plasma and tissue from the patients that are enrolled in the study. The results that are obtained will provide us data in order to perform a genomic mapping of the population at risk of disease, in the NORD-VEST region through pollution of water and soil resources with I-131 and heavy metals.