Online databases via the university network
ANELiS Plus national research consortium subscription
The ScienceDirect research platform provides full text access to over 25% of worldwide information in science, technology and medicine. It is currently the most important academic information resource. The ANELiS project provides access to over 1800 full text journals (+ archives).
SpringerLink is one of the most frequently used electronic resource in scientific research in our country. It includes journals and books published by Springer-Vwerlag, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Urban and Vogel, Steinkopff and Birkhauser. The ANELiS+ project provides access to over 1800 full text journals (+ archives).
PROQUEST Academic Research Library offers access to full texts and abstracts in online scientific research journals, without magnetic or paper alternative. A single online platform gives you access to information in over 160 scientific areas: economics, literature, geography, psychology, science, law, general interest magazines and dailies, education, religion, healthcare, humanities, IT&C and others, from academic publishers worldwide. The ANELiS+ project gives you access to more than 4070 journals in all scientific areas, over 2800 of which in full text format.
The Oxford Journals platform offers full text access to foreign online scientific research journals without magnetic or paper alternative. It is provided by one of the greatest university publishers worldwide, rightfully famous for the quality of its publications. This publisher's standard is visible in its journal portfolio comprising 211 titles in 6 disciplines with 125 ISI journals.
Cambridge Journals is a collection of 380 peer-reviewed scientific magazines dedicated to various fields, published by the famous Cambridge University Press publishing house. Materials are available in full-text on the online platform Cambridge Core.
Nature is the most worldwide appreciated weekly scientific magazine of the Nature Publishing Group (NPG). It was founded in 1869 with an articulated mission goal of developing publications, examining opportunities brought by new technologies and of growing its readership. Nature Publishing Group publishes 140 journals (88 ISI) and online databases for: life sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences and clinical medicine.
Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database with over 4600 full text journals. Part of them have a 6-12 months embargo.
Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science is an online bibliographic and bibliometric database of scientific journals. It is available on the Web of Knowledge online platform and it offers access to article abstracts in over 11.220 scientific journals and 120.000 scientific conferences in 256 fields.
Clarivate Analytics - Derwent Innovations Index contains information on over 14.3 million patents and inventions registered in 40 countries, including România. It offers an international overview of a particular invention, including it's novelty, legal ownership and copyright.
SCOPUS is a bibliographic citation abstracts database from Elsevier, containing over 50 million references from 21,000 journal titles.
Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library research platform offers full text access to online scientific journals without magnetic or paper alternative. Wiley Online Library replaced Wiley InterScience by the end of July 2010.
1,500 journals, 14,000 online books, hundreds of reference papers, databases and other resources are available on this platform.
Wiley Online Library offers access to over 4 million articles from over 1,500 journals published by John Wiley & Sons, including Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH and Jossey-Bass.
LWW Premier Journal Collection Plus
LWW Premier Journal Collection Plus is an exclusive combination of over 23 premium journals published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) publishing house, one of the leading sources of medical, nursing, and health science information. These clinically oriented journals are essential, relevant and extremely often quoted for their contribution, regardless their field of interest.
De Gruyter E-books
De Gruyter has over 270 years of experience in publishing the highest quality academic papers. Every year, the company publishes over 1.300 new titles in humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences and law; over 800 journals and it offers a large range of digital content. The company publishes books in 29 fields of interest, out of which over 2.850 e-books from 2016-2018 are available.
Collections are available here.
CAB E-books
CABI publishes books worldwide valued for the quality of information they provide and for their importance in research work. A major proof of this is the fact that CABI is indexed in two of the most important bibliometric data bases - Scopus and Clarivate Analytics. Out of more than 1.000 e-books available on the CAB ebooks platform (Collections: Agriculture, Animal & Veterinary, Environmental Science, Human Health & Nutrition, Leisure & Tourism, Plant Sciences), over 800 are indexed in Book Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) and over 400 in Scopus (Elsevier)
Accessible titles are to be found in the „Leisure and Tourism” andi „Animal and Veterinary Sciences” collections of CABI Publishing.
Acces link:
ANELiS Plus National Repository
The National Repository, created as part of the ANELiS Plus Project is intended to provide online access to the Romanian scientific and educational community both by purchasing archives as by publishing scientific content of the Romanian academic community. The Repository may be accessed here, with a free account created with ANELiS Plus.
Direct University subscription
Created by the famous Elsevier publishing company, Clinical Key is currently the most powerful full text medical database.
Clinical Key is the world's first "clinical insight engine". Rather than simply a traditional search engine, Clinical Key has been developed by Elsevier all the way from the basic elements up to the patented smart content, the EMMeT taxonomy. ClinicalKey provides uniquely concise and trustworthy answers as well as evidence-based content for complex problems. Spanning over 30 medical and surgical specialties, Clinical Key is able to provide rich quality content.
- based on institutional IPs
- outside the institutional IPs = “remote acces” based on institutional e-mail address ()!/remote-access
Thieme E-books Collection contains over 100 reference medical and preclinical books and handbooks. The list of available titles is here.
The Micromedex database from Truven Health Analytics has several databases, three of which are currently subscribed for 2-5 simultaneous users: Drugdex, Drug-Reax and Diseasedex. They offer detailed quality information on drugs, chemicals and their reactions and an impressive amount of diseases and symptoms.
The Cochrane database is available on the Wiley Interscience platform. It is the most important evidence-based medicine (EBM) resource with more than 6,000 systematic reviews and over 600,000 clinical trials. They are available in full text, searchable by medical speciality, author and keyword.
EMBASE is offered by Elsevier Life Science Solutions and it is the largest international biomedical database used by researchers in all medical areas. This aspect ensures a constant, most relevant and up-to-date access to the international biomedical literature, from preclinical studies to vital toxicological information. Its unparalleled coverage, including Embase Classic, boasts over 28 million records from 1947 to the present day, drawn from over 8,300 currently published journals and 2,500 journals not currently covered by Medline. Since 2009 Embase also includes conference abstracts and it currently indexes over 1,000 conferences covering 300,000 conference abstracts each year.
The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) defines requirements for the qualitative and quantitative composition of drugs, the tests to be carried out on them and the substances and materials used in their production.
AccessPharmacy Includes 45 textbooks, drug monographies, reference resources essential in pharmaceutical education, including the current complete edition of the most important pharmacotherapy work of the day, DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach. The complete list of titles available in AccessPharmacu is available here.
"Iuliu Haţieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca has joined MDPI’s Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) last year. IOAP is designed to provide assistance to all institutions in order to facilitate the transition to the open access (OA) model of scholarly publishing. University-affiliated researchers are offered a 10% waiver for article processing charge if they desire to publish in one of the journals included in MDPI.
MDPI publishes peer-reviewed OA journals, with an emphasis on a quick and meticulous editorial processing. Their aim is to grant access to high quality research papers to the academic community in the shortest time span, fostering scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI launched the first online journal, “Molecules” in 1996, presently showcasing over 300 journals, covering a broad spectrum of scientific areas (
Additionally, MDPI contributes with the following multidisciplinary services that are effective in spreading the outcomes of scientific research published in OA journals (SciForum, PrePrints, JAMS).
Online books
Over 200 titles may be accessed within the lilbrary network. Please contact our librarians (4th floor on Babes, Hasdeu). The title list can be found in the attachments below.
UMF network access & remote access for the databases (please check attachments below)