Blidaru Dana Ana Maria

Fields of Activity:
- Lectures at 1st and 2nd academic year of General Medicine, Romanian section
- Lectures at 1st academic year at Licensed Nurses, Midwives, Balneo-physio-kinetotherapy, Imaging
- Teaching practical work at 1st and 2nd academic year of General Medicine
- Co-author of didactic books: Admission Tests UMF Cluj-Napoca 1996-2013, Neuroanatomy in Schemas - 2004, Sensory Organs and Nerve Pathways - 2007.
- Dissection of Central Nervous System
- Anatomy of Development and Highlighting Morphological Characteristics in Human Fetuses
- Development of Nervous System
- Anatomy of Upper Limb Arteries
- Highlighting the External and Internal Aspects of Cerebral Hemispheres and Cranial Nerve Origin
- Clinical Anatomy and Extra Hepatic Biliary Malformations
- Pediatrician

Additional Info

  • Grad didactic: Șef lucrări
  • Telefon: 0264431880
  • Adresă email:
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