Clinica ATI- Chirurgie III, str Croitorilor, nr 19-21, Cluj-Napoca
Department Anesthesia and Intensive Care I runs clinical, teaching and research activity.
Clinical activity include general anesthesia (about 5000/year), sedation/anesthesia for digestive endoscopy and intensive care and takes place at O Fodor Gastroenterology and Hepatology Institute in Cluj-Napoca.
Prof Daniela Ionescu is abilitated to supervise PhD thesis in anesthesia and intensive care.
Teaching activity include anesthesia and intensive care courses and clinical activities with medical students in the VI year and first aid courses and practical sessions/simulation with medical students in the first year. Simultaneously we are running courses and practical activities/simulations with student nurses. We have also developed 3 master program in anesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine for nurses working or willing to work in these fields.
Prof Daniela Ionescu is abilitated to supervise PhD thesis in anesthesia and intensive care
Research activity include coordination, or participation in national research projects or other type of projects (human resources development projects), membership in European projects and internal grants financed by the university. In this context members of the department have published articles in ISI/international database indexed journals.
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