Consultant in anesthesia and intensive care, clinical activity in anesthesia and intensive care (general).
PhD supervisor (abilitation)
Director of research grants/projects (1,2 mil euro), member in national/European research projects (EU-COST).
Reviewer for 6 ISI indexed journals of anesthesia/surgery
Lectures at national and international meetings
Member of Board of Directors of WorldSIVA
Courses of anesthesia and intensive care with VI year medical students and student nurses.
Courses in anesthesia and intensive care for master programs for nurses
Courses, case presentations with the residents in anesthesia and intensive care.
Course in Actual aspects in research in anesthesia and intensive care
Scientific interests
Influence of anesthetic interventions on patients postoperative outcome (cancer patients) .
Most important publications
1. Ionescu D, Vasian H, Margarit S. Reply to: Comparing the influence of total intravenous anaesthesia and isoflurane anaesthesia on plasma interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 concentrations after colorectal cancer surgery. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015 32 (4): 283-284
2. Margarit SC, Vasian HN, Balla E, Vesa S, Ionescu DC. The influence of total intravenous anaesthesia and isoflurane anaesthesia on plasma interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 concentrations after colorectal surgery for cancer: A randomised controlled trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2014; 31 (12):678-84
3. Ionescu D, Tibrea C, Puia C. Pre-operative hypoalbuminemia in colorectal cancer patients undergoing elective surgery– a major risk factor for postoperative outcome. Chirurgia 2013; 108 (6): 822-828.
4. Puntillo KA, Max A, Timsit JF, Vignoud L, Chanques G, Robleda G, Roche-Campo F, Mancebo J, Divatia JV, Soares M, Ionescu D, Grintescu IM, Vasiliu IL, Maggiore SM, Rusinova K, Owczuk R, Egerod I, Papathanassoglou ED, Kyranou M, Joynt GM, Burghi G, Freebairn RC, Ho KM, Kaarlola A, Gerritsen RT, Kesecioglu J, Sulaj MSM, Norrenberg M, Benoit DD, Seha MSG, Hennein A, Periera FJ, Benbenishty JS, Abroug F, Aquilina A, Monte JRC, An Y, Azoulay E. Determinants of Procedural Pain Intensity in the Intensive Care Unit: The Europain® Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014;189(1):39-47
5. Dicu D, Ionescu D. Reply to: Risk scoring systems for upper gastrointestinal bleeding. American Journal Emergency Medicine 2013: 31(4): 983-984
6. Ionescu D, Hadade AI, Mocan TA, Margarit SD. The influence of a prophylactic dose of dexamethasone for postoperative nausea and vomiting on plasma interleukins after laparoscopic cholecystectomy- a prospective randomized trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2014; 31 (4) : 204 -11.
7. Dicu D, Pop F, Ionescu D, Dicu T. Comparison of risk scoring systems in predicting clinical outcome at upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients in an emergency unit. Am J Emerg Med 2013; 31(1):94-9.
8. Ionescu D, Iancu C, Ion D, Margarit S, Al-Hajjar N, Mocan L, Mocan T, Deac D, Bodea R, Vasian H. Implementing fast-track protocol for colorectal surgery. A prospective controlled clinical trial. World Journal of Surgery 2009;33:2433-2438.
9 Ionescu D. Notiuni de anestezie si terapie intensiva pentru asistentii medicali licentiati si moase. Ed Casa cartii de stiinta, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 660 pg. ISBN 978-973-133-793-7
10. Ionescu D. Anestezia totală intravenoasă. Academic Pres, Cluj-Napoca, 306 pagini, 2007 (ISBN 978-973-744-065-5)
Medic primar ATI, activitate clinica de anestezie si terapie intensive la Institutul Regional de Gastroenetrologie si Hepatologie “O Fodor”.
Abilitare conducere doctorat.
Director proiecte cercetare (1,2 mil euro), membru in proiecte cercetare nationale si europene (EU-COST, ESA).
Reviewer 6 jurnale anestezie si terapie intensiva ISI.
Conferinte in tara si strainatate.