

Adresa: Str. Pasteur, Nr. 4-6
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Şef de disciplină: Prof. dr. Carmen Mihu

Within the Histology discipline, we carry out didactic activity with first-year students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and students of the Nursing, Radiology and Medical Imaging, Physio-kinesiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Dental Technology study programs, and with second-year students of the Faculty of Medicine. The lectures and practical works, which are taught in all three study languages, aim to familiarize students with elementary notions of General and Special Histology, regarding the microscopic structure of tissues and organs within body systems, in light and electron microscopy. The modern infrastructure, including virtual microscopy, educational and individual light microscopes, histological slides in various staining methods, facilitates the assimilation of morphological notions. The optional course of the discipline, entitled "The use of stem cells in cell therapy and tissue engineering", is constantly being addressed by students. The members of the Histology Discipline coordinate license theses and are involved in the tutoring activity. Scientific and research activity is carried out in the Discipline, members of our discipline being directors or members in research projects won in national and international competitions. Four of our lecturers achieved their doctoral habilitation. Three teaching staff members are co-opted as doctoral thesis supervisors in the Doctoral School of our University. The members of the discipline participate as coordinators or collaborators of postgraduate courses. Some of the members of the discipline carry out integrated medical activity in the Departments of the Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital and in private medical centers.



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