Crișan Maria

• Didactic degree: Professor
• Director of Department 1: Morphological sciences

Didactic activity: PhD supervisor, teaching activity at the Romanian Section, English section - second year Medicine students, coordinator postgraduate courses; organizer of national cutaneous ultrasonography courses with international attendance under the auspices of UMF/EFSUMB.

Scientific and research activity: member of national and international professional societies, director and member of research projects, articles, books, book chapters and patents; author/co-author with HIRSH index 15; ISI articles 73; total citations 715 (669 without self-citation and 46 with self-citation).

Profesisonal activity: Consultant in Dermatovenerology speciality, clinical activity at the Dermatology Clinic of County Emergency Clinical Hospital Cluj; expertise in cutaneous histology, dermatoscopy, phototherapy/photodynamic therapy, cutaneous ultrasonography.

Additional Info

  • Grad didactic: Profesor
  • Telefon: 0374834404
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