Trancă Sebastian

Specialist physician in Anesthesia and Intensive Care and researcher in the domain of multiple trauma-induced systemic inflammatory syndromes.

University assistant since 2011, with educational activities for the 1st and 6th year medical students, nurses and physical therapists.

Areas of interest
Multiple traumas, inflammatory biomarkers' profile in trauma, anesthesia for neurosurgery, prehospital intensive care, clinical toxicology

Most important published papers
• N. Gherman-Ionicã, R. Bologa, C. Indrei, D. Hagãu, D. Dîrzu, S. Trancã, N. Hagãu. Bilanţul alergologic la pacientul cu risc de anafilaxie perianestezică. J Rom Anest Terap Int 2009; 16: 44-54.
• S. Trancă, Natalia Hagău. Muşcătura de viperă - Terapia pacientului critic cu reacţie toxică severă la veninul de viperă . J Rom Anest Terap Int 2009; 16 :134-139.
• N. Hagau, S. Trancă, R. Hagău, L. Bene, C. Indrei. Basofil activation test and quantification of specific IgE versus skin tests in anaesthesia-related allergy. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2010; 27: 238-239
• Ramona Bologa, V. Cristea, Nadia-Gherman Ionică, S. Trancă, S. Dîrzu, Natalia Hagău. Corelaţia între istoricul de alergie şi testele cutanate pozitive la peniciline în cazurile alergiei de tip imediat. Clujul Medical 2010 ; 83 : 318-323.
• Hagau N., Gherman-Ionica N., Hagau D., Tranca S., Sfichi M. and Longrois D. , Is a positive history of non-anaesthetic drug allergy a predictive factor for positive allergy tests to anaesthetics?. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2012; 73: 460–466..
• Tranca S. , Petrisor Cristina. A fatal case of taxus poisoning. Clujul Medical 2013; 86: 279-281.
• C. Ursu, Pasc Mihaela, Tulai Loredana, Tranca S., Golea Adela, Horhat Sorina, Blaga A., Tat Raluca. Curs de initiere in activitatea SMURD – editia II. Editura Altip. Alba Iulia; 2014.
• Trancă SD, Petrişor CL, Hagău N. Biomarkers in polytrauma induced systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis – a narrative review. Rom J Anaesth Int Care 2014; 21: 118-122
• Trancă S, Petrişor CL, Slavcovici A, Mărginean M, Hagãu N. Early serum procalcitonin, but not C reactive protein, might improve the prediction of sepsis in multiple trauma patients. A prospective observational study. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2015;23(3):347-50. DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2015-0034
• Tranca, S. – Socul Hipovolemic și Șocul septic. În „Tratat de Chirurgie” sub redacţia lui Popescu I, Ciuce C., Editura Academiei 2015, pag. 76-81. ISBN: 978-973-27-2488-0

Additional Info

  • Grad didactic: Conferenţiar
  • Telefon: 0264599438
  • Adresă email:
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