Genomic Center - Facilities
- Details
- Hits: 7139
- Bioanalyzer 2100 Agilent
- Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer
- Spectrophotometer Nano Drop 2000 C
Microarray facilities
- SureScan Microarray Scanner Agilent
- Oven for microarray slides G2545
Next-generation sequencing facilities
- Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine
- Ion One Touch, Ion One Touch 2, Ion One Touch ES
- Centrifuge for Chips Ion Torrent
- NGS GS Junior 454
Sequencing facilities
- Sequencing machine for gene mutation analysis PYROMARK
Proteomic facilities
- Mass Spectrometer QTRAP 4500 System,
- Liquid chromatography Micro LC200 System
RT-PCR facilities
- Quantitative Real-Time PCR System Light Cycler 480 II
- Quantitative Real-Time PCR System ViiA7
PCR facilities
- Verity 96 Well Thermal Cycler
- FACS Canto II BD
Cell culture facilities
- Cell separation system AutoMacs Pro Separator
- Cell Counting System Casy model TTC
- Real time system XCelligence
- Laminar flow hoods MSC 1.8, 1,2
- Incubator CO2 MCO-5M
- Cell counter Countess
- Inverted microscope Olympus 1X71
- Multiplate Reader Synergy H1
- Multi-Functional Orbital Shaker PSU 20i
- Protean i12 IEF CELL
- MiniTrans Blot Electrophoretic Transfer Cell
- Vertical electrophoresis Mini Protean Tetra System
- BioDot Apparatus,
- Spectrophotometer SpectraMax 190
- Horizontal electrophoresis system agarose E-Gel iBase Power System
- E-Gel Safe Imager Real-Time Trans illuminator
Pathology and microscopy facilities
- Cryotome CM 1950
- Microtome Accu-Cut SRM
- Inverted microscope Olympus 1X71
- Microscope BX46 with camera
- Microscope Leica DM 1000 LED
- Microscope BX43
- Laser capture micro dissection imaging system IX81
Microbiology facilities
- Microbiology sample dilution system Baby Gravimat
- Microbiology sample homogenizer Bag Mixer CC
- Petri dish plating system easy Spiral, Petri dish reading system Scan 500
- Liquid nitrogen storage tank 1,5 L - 50 - 115 L
- Freezer -86 ˚
- Refrigerators
Other facilities
- Magnetic stirring hotplate Wise Stir MSH-20D, MSH 20A
- Orbital shaker incubator Titramax 1000
- Orbital shaker Max Q 416 HP
- Orbital shaker Polymax 1040
- Multi-Vortex V32
- Chip Vortex IKA MS3,
- Vortex V-1 Plus
- Dry Block Thermostat Bio TDB-100
- Ice machine – flakes
- Centrifuge SL16R
- Centrifuge Universal 320R
- Vacuum Centrifuge Concentrator Plus
- Mini-centrifuge Micro One
- Centrifuge Eppendorf 5702
- Centrifuge 5804R
- Ultrapure Water System,
- Autoclave VE-95, Polytron
- Drying Stove
- Autoclave
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