Actualizări și prezentare generală site
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Istoric actualizare site:
23.05.2013 - Metropolis 1.3 (J2.5/J3.x) Update - modificare CSS, LESS, K2 CSS 27.05.2013 - RokWeather 2.0.1, RokAjaxSearch 2.0.0 - refacere apel com_finder 30.05.2013 - Phoca Download updated (Version: 3.0.0), Meniu Scoala doctorala, RokBox 2.0.4, RokCandy 2.0.0 update 10.06.2013 - Instalare RokUpdater, Refacut secțiuni prezentare Farmacie, editură, bibliotecă, implementare K2 pentru bibliotecă 15.06.2013 - Update RokUpdater 1.0.7, RokSprocket 1.8.11, Phoca Gallery 4.0.0 RC, SP Weather, RokBooster 1.1.7, RokSprocket 1.8.13, Phoca Gallery 4.0.0, GoogleMaps 3.0 18.06.2013 - Implementare Table JX, lista coordonatori scoala doctorala 12.07.2013 - Update K2 2.6.7, RokSprocket 2.0.2, Gantry 4.1.11, JCE 20.07.2013 - Secțiune admitere, update GoogleMaps 3.1, Jevents 3.1.7 15.08.2013 - Update Xampp 1.8.3 25.08.2013 - Frontside editing error 29.08.2013 - Refacere site din backup 01.09.2013 - Update Joomla 3.1.5, gantry 4.1.17 02.09.2013 - Implementare, Easy Language System Plugin for Joomla, varianta trilingva a sectiunii de personal/catedre 03.09.2013 - Update JCE, Jevents 3.1.8 15.09.2013 - Refacere functie de cautare site 01.10.2013 - Actualizare afisare K2 (doua coloane) 04.10.2013 - Update Jevents 3.1.9, actualizare traduceri Jevents, refacere site Medicina 09.10.2013 - Update RokNavMenu 2.0.5, RokBox 2.0.5 10.10.2013 - Actualizare afisare K2 (refacere style-sheet LESS) 15.10.2013 - Update RokNavMenu 2.0.6, RokSprocket 2.0.3, corectare eroare style-sheet K2 pt. Firefox 17.10.2013 - Update PhocaDownload 3.0.2, PhocaGallery 4.0.2, PhocaDownload database upgrade bug fix 23.10.2013 - Update Jevents 3.1.10, RokSprocket 2.0.4 25.10.2013 - Update Easy Language System Plugin 1.2.1 28.10.2013 - Welcome to our new server ... running on InfoMed (temporary) 30.10.2013 - Update Jevents 3.1.11, ... running on InfoMed (ISA protected) 06.11.2013 - Update RokAjaxSearch - Version 2.0.1, RokBooster - Version 1.1.10, RokBox - Version 2.0.6, RokFeatureTable - Version 1.5, RokNavMenu - Version 2.0.7, RokPad 2.1.6, RokSprocket 2.0.5, RokTabs - Version 1.12, RokUpdater - Version 1.0.8, RokWeather - Version 2.0.3 07.11.2013 - Migrare pe noul server Dell, ... inca in reteau InfoMed (ISA protected) 08.11.2013 - Update Jevents 3.1.12, Joomla Metropolis template 1.4, Phoca Gallery 4.0.3 12.11.2013 - Update Joomla 3.2, K2 2.6.8 Developer Edition, great thanks to Krikor Boghossian 12.11.2013 - Refacere ComSearch , Sectiuni noi: Rezidențiat, Cursuri PU 16.11.2013 - Update Jevents 3.1.13 18.11.2013 - Implementare pe noua solutie de servere si firewall finalizata, load balancing functional 19.11.2013 - Corectare Notice info, refacere pagini En si Fr Medicina 20.11.2013 - Update Gantry 4.1.19 26.11.2013 - Update PhocaGallery 4.0.4, PhocaDownload 3.0.3 05.12.2013 - Update Gantry 4.1.20, termiat upgrade servere, firewall, switch-uri servere web 18.12.2013 - Update Joomla 3.2.1, JCE 20.01.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.15. TableFX 3.2.2 08.02.2014 - Update Joomla 3.2.2, PhocaGallery 4.1.0, RokSprocket 2.0.6, Jevents 3.1.16 19.02.2014 - Update PhocaDownload 3.0.4, RokJaxSearch 2.0.2, Jevents 3.1.17 26.02.2014 - Update Apache 2.4.7, MySQl 5.6.16, PHP 5.5.9 01.03.2014 - Update K2 2.6.8 05.03.2014 - Update Gantry Framework 4.1.21, RokBox 2.0.7, Jevents 3.1.18 06.03.2014 - Update RokSproket 2.1.0, Joomla 3.2.3 13.03.2014 - Update RokSproket 2.1.1, Virtual Domains 1.3.0 19.03.2014 - Update RokGallery 2.2.9, Jevents 3.1.19, Gantry Framework 4.1.22 24.03.2014 - Security update Googlemap 3.1 plugin, SimplifyYourWeb Library 1.0.10 07.04.2014 - Update K2 2.6.9 Developer Edition, Gantry Framework 4.1.23, Modified Joomla Core 15.04.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.20, Gantry Framework 4.1.24 16.04.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.21, Metropolis template 1.5, Virtual Domains 1.3.1 29.04.2014 - Update GoogleMaps plugin 3.2, Phoca Gallery 4.1.1 30.04.2014 - Update Joomla 3.3.0 13.05.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.23 14.05.2014 - Update Metropolis template 1.6 06.06.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.25, RokFeatureTable 1.6 11.06.2014 - Update Joomla 3.3.1 17.06.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.26, PhocaDownload 3.0.5 29.06.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.27 16.07.2014 - Update K2 2.7.0 Developer Edition 17.07.2014 - Update JCE 2.4.0 20.07.2014 - Update JCE 2.4.1, PHP 5.5.11, Apache 2.4.9, PHPMyAdmin 4.2.6 25.07.2014 - Update Joomla 3.3.2, Joomla 3.3.3, emailcloacking bug 29.07.2014 - Update JCE 2.4.2 07.08.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.28, Gantry Framework 4.1.25 16.08.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.29, RokSproket 2.1.2 02.09.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.30 14.09.2014 - Update JCE 2.4.3 25.09.2014 - Update Joomla 3.3.4 26.09.2014 - Update Apache 2.4.10, PHP 5.5.15, MySQL 5.6.20, PHPMyAdmin 4.2.9 30.09.2014 - Update Joomla 3.3.5 02.10.2014 - Update Joomla 3.3.6 09.10.2014 - Update Gantry Framework 4.1.26 16.11.2014 - Update Library common to the SimplifyYourWeb extensions 1.1.1; Phoca Download 3.0.6, Phoca Gallery 4.1.2 20.11.2014 - Update PHP 5.6.3, MySQL 5.6.21, PHPMyAdmin 4.2.11 27.11.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.32 04.12.2014 - Update Jevents 3.1.34, JCE 2.4.4, PHPMyAdmin 4.2.13 09.12.2014 - Downgrade K2 to 2.6.9 maintenance release, JCE 2.4.5 22.12.2014 - Update Library common to the SimplifyYourWeb extensions 1.2.1, Latest news enhanced 1.2.1 02.01.2015 - Update Gantry Framework 4.1.27, PHPMyAdmin 4.3.4 20.01.2015 - Update Jevents 3.1.37, JCE 2.4.6 24.02.2015 - Update Jevents 3.1.42, Gantry Framework 4.1.28, PHPMyAdmin 4.3.10 03.03.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4, RokNavMenu 2.0.8, RokAjaxSearch 2.0.4, RokFeatureTable 1.7, RokGallery 2.30, RokPad 2.1.9, RokBox 2.0.9, Jevents 3.1.43, Latest news enhanced 1.3.1 07.03.2015 - Update Metropolis template 1.8, Jevents 3.2.2, RokSproket 2.1.8 20.03.2015 - Update Jevents 3.2.4, retradus interfata Jevents 20.03.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.1 22.04.2015 - Update Jevents 3.2.10, PHPMyAdmin 4.4.3 27.05.2015 - Update Jevents 3.2.13, JCE 2.5.1 01.07.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.2, Jevents 3.2.17 with patch, JCE 2.5.2 01.09.2015 - Migrare XAMPP --> Debian Jessie, update Joomla 3.4.3, Jevents 3.2.20 09.09.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.4, JCE 2.5.6 10.09.2015 - Update JCE 2.5.7, patch K2 26.10.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.5, JCE 2.5.9, Jevents 3.4.0 15.12.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.6, JCE 2.5.11, Jevents 3.4.4 21.12.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.7, Phoca Download 3.1.0, Phoca Gallery 4.2.2 25.12.2015 - Update Joomla 3.4.8 18.03.2016 - Update Jevents 3.4.7, RokSprocket 2.1.12, RokBox 2.0.12, Latest News Enhanced 2.1 22.03.2016 - Update Joomla 3.5.0, RokBox 2.0.13, Gantry 4.1.30 23.03.2016 - Update K2 2.7.0 06.04.2016 - Update K2 2.7.1, Joomla 3.5.1 12.04.2016 - Gantry 4.1.31, Jevents 3.4.10 13.07.2016 - Update Joomla 3.6, RokSprocket 2.1.13, Jevents 3.4.13, JCE 2.5.19, Latest News Enhanced 2.4
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Acest site a fost realizat de Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Cluj-Napoca folosind următoarele tehnologii: